Subalpine fir often grows at the timberline,
where it is easily recognized by the narrow spire shape of
its upper branches, a clear adaptation to heavy snowfall. Below
the timberline, it can grow to over 150 feet (45 meters).
needles curve upward in a uniform
manner. They have white lines on both sides, two on one side and one on
the other. Pacific silver fir and noble fir also grow near the timberline, but
Pacific silver fir has white lines only on the lower side of the
needles, and noble fir has straight needles with a sharp curve where
they attach to the twig.
top and bottom
The purple cones sit
upright on the branch and fall apart at maturity, leaving a cone core
spike on the branch. The cones often ooze a white resin. You won't find cones on the ground, but you might see some scales like this:
Where it grows: Subalpine
fir grows in the Cascades and Olympics. It also grows throughout the
Mountains and northward to Alaska. Although subalpine fir is
shade-tolerant, it does not compete well with other conifers growing in
the shade.
Subalpine fir at Hoyt
While it has few commercial uses, subalpine fir is an important
component of the subalpine forest community, providing habitat for
and protecting watersheds that provide our drinking water.
Names: Lasiocarpa
means "hairy fruit," a
reference to the fibers that protrude from the cone scales (not shown
in photo). Other
common names: alpine fir, white fir, balsam fir, and Rocky Mountain